
10 Steps to a Thriving Coaching Business-Step 10 

 July 11, 2024

By  Dr. Christine Sauer

Hello, and welcome to this mini-series about:

The 10 Steps Creating a Thriving Coaching Business

Step 10: Enroll them into Your Program

Finally, it is time:

If they seem like a suitable prospect, the interaction so far has been positive, invite them to your named enrollment call (takes at least 45 min).

You can use a very specialized message and thank them for the previous meeting or call and/or you can offer them a gift – a course or if needed you can consider offering them a regular full coaching session for free to help them with one specific (small) issue.

Then send them your booking link and follow up.

In the enrollment call, agree on the conditions and the payment, then take payment and start coaching.

What you need in this phase:

➢ online scheduler (e.g. calendly, acuity)

➢ maybe a paid LinkedIn account to be able to search better (they offer a free 4- week trial)

Once you have a baseline of paying clients, it is time to take it to the online web – domain, website, lead magnet, email marketing, advertising etc.

Once the basic landing page works and converts, it is time to build funnels and to scale.

Most coaches (don’t feel bad, I have done it, too) start at some point in the middle and try to work it backwards…

That lead to having to go back and forth several times until it works, unless you are very lucky (I wasn’t…).

Lots of wasted time, money and heartache… 

Want to learn more?

In our next article we will talk about a few more tips...

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Meet Dr. Christine today and see for yourself if she is right for you to help you to start and grow your health or wellness coaching business

About Dr. Christine Sauer

Dr. Christine Sauer is a German-trained certified life coach, certified health coach, physician, naturopath, and educator, living in Canada since 1996.
After personal "lived experience" with severe mental health issues she experienced first-hand the benefits and challenges of our mental health system and psychiatric medications and then the benefits of good life and health coaching including facilitation of lifestyle and nutrition changes, weight loss coaching, mental health coaching, habit change management, spiritual coaching, bibliotherapy, journaling, leadership training, sales and marketing training and much more...
After regaining her own mental health, systematically and slowly withdrawing from her psychiatric medications and rehabilitating her brain health, she now is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and experience with others and promote excellence in the health and life coaching profession.
She is a #1 bestselling author, TEDx speaker and loving human being.
She is a passionate educator and coach on all things "brain" "body", "mind" and "soul" and a fellow traveler on our journey through life on this planet.
She learned a lot, and she is excited to share some of her insights with you in the hope that these – and the action steps resulting from them – will assist you in your own journey to a better life and success in all your endeavors.

Dr. Christine Sauer
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