Client Success Stories

Imagine a life that is meaningful, prosperous, healthy, joyful and fulfilled.

What difference would it make for you to be able to truly live, with a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step?

Below, you will find kind words that previous clients said about us...

And We Are Looking Forward To Meeting You, Too!

What others say about Working with us...

Testimonials by Clients about their journeys...

Kim Broniman

Maxine Silva

Michael Stack




dr christine sauer dr. christine sauer

Meet Dr. Christine yourself and see for yourself if she is right for you to help you to start and grow your health or wellness coaching business


dr christine sauer dr. christine sauer

Meet Dr. Christine yourself and see for yourself if she is right for you to help you to start and grow your health or wellness coaching business


dr christine sauer dr. christine sauer

Meet Dr. Christine yourself and see for yourself if she is right for you to help you to start and grow your health or wellness coaching business


dr christine sauer dr. christine sauer

Meet Dr. Christine yourself and see for yourself if she is right for you to help you to start and grow your health or wellness coaching business

outlook changed-in a good place-dr christine sauer-testimonial


Chinara Crumpton 

" Just Dreaming is Not Enough...Dr. Christine Changed My Life...Transformation of My Life is Beyond Words…Life is So Wonderful Now. 

I Never Met Such a Professional Who is Down To Earth, Can Fix Your Mind, Get You In Shape and Open Business Opportunities!"

Gail Cassidy

 “Got Help With Getting Things Done…Helped Me With The Belief I Can Accomplish What I Most Long To Do Physically, Mentally, And Spiritually. 

The most important thing that I learned during my time with Dr. Christine was that I am working with someone...who is familiar with the challenges I face, and someone who has considerable experience in helping others." 

Tobi E.

"Christine is a spectacular educator..."



“It’s a first time venture and way too much information out there. But thanks to my coach I would know what to focus on. Otherwise information overload would spread me thin.” 


Francine Aubrecht

"... my time was well spent during our sessions…reading material was extremely relatable to me ! “


Did you work with us? Leave us your feedback testimonial below!

Thank you in advance!

How did you experience working with us?
How was your life/situation when you first met us?
How did your life/situation change as a result of working with us?
What did you value most about working with us?
Any other feedback you want to leave?
Would you be available to tape a video testimonial for us?
daily sparkle of gratitude journal dr christine sauer testimonial review

Brighten Your Day With Gratitude

All we have is this daily sparkle - today. Don't waste it. use it to the benefit of yourself, of others and the world at large.

This little book with prompts and quotes and directions on how to use it will help. 

Get it today as a .pdf for FREE

Becoming Sparkling Suzie...

If you missed it, watch it now -  the path of a fictional client.

Did the video speak to you? Are You Ready? Then click the button below and let's talk!

All people and events mentioned are purely fictional. Resemblances with living people are intended, though.

Starring: Luna - Dr. Christine Sauer   Harriette-Suzie - Maxine Silva

Videography: Kevin Lane
