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and start or grow your thriving health coaching business!
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= Be More successful in Life and Work
about us
Hello, my name is Dr. Christine Sauer.
I was a successful physician and naturopath in Germany, but after coming to Canada in 1997, a series of challenges prevented me from working within the government regulated healthcare system.
Drawing on my over 40 years of experience in the healthcare sector, I decided to start my own health coaching business – and I failed miserably at first, because I made all the mistakes there are.
I took expensive business coaching courses and classes, just to realize that the methods they recommended are great for business coaches, but the same methods that work for business coaching do not work in the health coaching industry.
I eventually figured things out myself. My business became successful and profitable.
And now I am sharing with others what does work in this simple 10-step framework, that I am giving you today in the free checklist.
Today, you have the opportunity to test-drive my system, and if you have questions, I am just an email away...
Please download the checklist and apply the 10-step framework to your life and business.
See your business prosper.
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